Tips for Moving in Summer: Don't Ignore Them

May 27, 2020
Moving Guides


Welcome to St James Self Storage, your trusted partner in the moving and storage industry. In this guide, we will share valuable tips and insights to help you make the most of your summer move. Moving can be an overwhelming task, but with the right preparation and knowledge, you can ensure a successful and enjoyable transition to your new home. Let's dive right in!

1. Plan Ahead

Planning is crucial when it comes to moving, especially in the summer when demand is high. Start by creating a detailed moving checklist, outlining all the tasks you need to accomplish before, during, and after the move. This will help you stay organized and ensure nothing is overlooked. Consider scheduling your move well in advance to secure the best moving services and avoid last-minute hassles.

2. Beat the Heat

Moving in the summer means dealing with scorching temperatures, so it's important to take measures to beat the heat. Plan your moving schedule early in the morning or late in the evening when the weather is relatively cooler. Stay hydrated by keeping a steady supply of water or refreshments on hand. Dress appropriately in lightweight and breathable clothing, and don't forget to wear sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays.

3. Protect Your Belongings

Extreme heat can be detrimental to certain items during a move. Take extra precautions to protect your delicate belongings, such as electronics, artwork, or perishable items. Wrap them in appropriate packaging materials and consider using insulated boxes or coolers for items that require temperature control. St James Self Storage offers climate-controlled storage units that can provide additional protection for your belongings during the move.

4. Hire Professional Movers

While moving can be done on your own, hiring professional movers can save you time, effort, and potential injuries. Research and hire a reputable moving company with experience in summer moves. They will have the necessary tools and expertise to handle the logistical challenges that can arise during hot weather. Additionally, hiring professionals can give you peace of mind knowing that your belongings are in safe hands.

5. Label and Organize

Properly labeling and organizing your belongings can make unpacking and settling into your new home a breeze. Clearly mark each box with the corresponding room it belongs to, and consider color-coding for added efficiency. This will help the movers know where to place each box and make the unpacking process more streamlined. Create an inventory list to keep track of your belongings throughout the move.

6. Notify Important Parties

Don't forget to notify important parties of your address change. Inform your post office, utility providers, insurance companies, and any relevant institutions about your upcoming move. This will ensure that your bills, mail, and other important documents are redirected to your new address seamlessly. Plan ahead and make a checklist of all the parties you need to notify well in advance.

7. Pack Essentials Separately

Make sure to pack a separate bag with essential items you'll need during the move and for the first few days in your new home. This can include toiletries, a change of clothes, important documents, chargers, and any necessities for your family or pets. Keeping these essentials easily accessible will save you from rummaging through boxes while you settle into your new space.

8. Clean and Prep Your New Home

Prior to moving in, allocate time to thoroughly clean and prepare your new home. Dust surfaces, vacuum floors, and sanitize frequently touched areas. Unpack and set up any necessary items, such as beds, before the moving truck arrives. This will help create a welcoming and comfortable environment for you and your family as you begin this new chapter.


Moving in the summer can be challenging but armed with the right knowledge and preparation, you can make it a smooth and enjoyable experience. Remember to plan ahead, beat the heat, protect your belongings, hire professional movers, label and organize, notify important parties, pack essentials separately, and clean and prep your new home. St James Self Storage is here to support you throughout your moving journey, offering reliable storage solutions for any additional needs you may have. Contact us today and let us make your summer move hassle-free!

Will McNamee
Moving in the summer? ☀️ Don't sweat it! Check out these helpful tips for a smooth move. 💪
Nov 10, 2023
Alejandro Ahuad
I appreciate the emphasis on planning ahead for a summer move. These tips are a game-changer.
Oct 21, 2023
Lona Maxson
I never thought about the impact of heat on moving until now. These tips are really eye-opening.
Oct 10, 2023
Robert Cline
I found the emphasis on protecting belongings from heat damage very informative. Thanks for addressing this potential issue!
Aug 26, 2023
Michael King
The tips about staying hydrated and taking breaks are so important during a summer move. Thanks for the reminders!
Aug 23, 2023
Less Than
Moving in summer always felt daunting, but these insights are truly reassuring. Thank you!
Jul 16, 2023
Bob Desrochers
The advice about packing and moving fragile items in the summer is very valuable. Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!
Jun 18, 2023
Michael Thibodeau
As someone who's about to move in the summer, I really appreciate these insights. Thank you!
May 5, 2023
Ruby Kelley
Thanks for sharing these tips! Moving in summer can be challenging, so it's great to have some helpful advice.
Apr 27, 2023
James Konvalinka
The summer heat adds another layer of complexity to the moving process. These tips will surely come in handy!
Apr 14, 2023
Rick Hoy
Excellent pointers! I've moved in summer before and wish I had known these tips back then.
Jan 26, 2023
Archana Rathore
This article came at the perfect time for me. I'm so glad I stumbled upon it!
Dec 20, 2022
Aracely Henton
I appreciate the consideration of pet safety during a summer move. It's often overlooked, but so important!
Dec 1, 2022
Alistair Chapman
The emphasis on hiring professional movers for a summer move is key. It definitely makes a difference in the process.
Oct 31, 2022
Donald Hasson
Great tips for summer moving! Thank you for the helpful advice.
Jul 27, 2022
Curtis Buser
This article provides practical tips that are easy to apply. I'll definitely keep them in mind for my upcoming move.
Jun 30, 2022
Nancy Dunleavy
I hadn't realized the impact of heat on stored items. These insights have opened my eyes to that aspect of moving in summer.
Jun 15, 2022
Jc Beasley
The tips about protecting items from heat damage are so critical. I'll be sure to follow these recommendations.
May 29, 2022
Marketing Director
The pointers about staying hydrated during the move are so important. Can't overlook that in the summer heat!
May 7, 2022
Nick Oliver
The reminders about preparing a summer move survival kit are so helpful. Never thought about that aspect before.
Mar 20, 2022
Stuart Higgins
These tips are going to make my summer move so much easier. Thank you for sharing!
Nov 29, 2021
J Faust
These tips have given me much-needed confidence for my upcoming summer move. Grateful for the advice!
Nov 8, 2021
Dori Thornburg
Thank you for the helpful suggestions. Moving in summer can be challenging, but these tips will make it easier to handle!
Sep 6, 2021
Roger Bloss
Love the practicality of these tips! Definitely bookmarking this for my upcoming move.
Jul 28, 2021
Samuel Piticaru
Thanks for shedding light on the unique challenges of a summer move. These tips are definitely going to make a difference.
Jul 22, 2021
Raymond Heath
I appreciate the detailed information on preparing for a summer move. It's very helpful.
Jun 23, 2021
Vlad Omazic
I like the idea of scheduling the move during the cooler parts of the day. Smart tip!
Apr 7, 2021
James Dunphy
I found these tips to be comprehensive and practical. Will definitely be referring back to this guide.
Jan 3, 2021
Pericles Romero
The advice about scheduling the move early in the day is spot-on. It's all about avoiding the peak heat!
Dec 25, 2020
Jp Watson
I had never considered the impact of the summer season on moving logistics. These tips are invaluable.
Dec 10, 2020
Nerada Trimp
The reminders about sun protection and taking breaks are crucial. It's easy to overlook these in the rush of a move.
Nov 18, 2020
Michael Lewis
The summer moving tips provided here are comprehensive and well thought out. Thank you for this resource!
Aug 16, 2020
Carli Smith
I never thought about the challenges of moving in summer heat. Thanks for the insights!
Jul 15, 2020
Mark Stealey
I never realized the impact of summer weather on moving until I read this. Valuable information for anyone planning a move!
Jul 11, 2020